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Because God is Light You will see the Light

 .... You are the source of all life, and because of your light we see the light (Psalm 36:9).*.... 

Every unrighteousness is sin. There are many who refuse to embrace the word of God. They know that what they are doing is very bad, they can do charms, consult spiritualists or invoke demons to attack others. As you joined me to reflect on Psalm 36….you will notice that sin speaks deeply in their hearts. They feel untouchable, that nothing can happen to them, they are boastful, some even think that they can never die. Little did they know that life is but breath. Once God takes away the breath, how will they live to threaten, humiliate or attack others? What will happen to their boastfulness and evil powers they have acquired to oppress others? How long you wicked ones will continue to reject God who created you? Why don’t you turn from your wicked ways and worship God in the Spirit and in Truth?. Now see  what God is saying to those who live as if they own the world, those who are wicked, that kills, steals and destroys others,…. because you think highly of yourself, thinking that I will not discover your sins and condemn it, you think that I don’t know that you are full of lies, wickedness and making evil plans as you lie on your bed, rejecting my laws and command,sticking to evil instead of goodness, I will punish you and destroy your strongholds. Then your boastfulness will turn to emptiness. Your evil plans will backfire on your own head. I will use my words against you and the light of my word will make you blind while my angels strikes you down. You shall be demoted and be reduced to nothing so that everybody will know that I am the Lord God Almighty…. Listen to me, don’t think that you are alone just because you are fighting endless battles. Do not think you are alone because you are sick, being oppressed or things not working well for you. God is with you. He will fight for you and you will hold your peace.God is your Light and a present help in times of need. You will see the light again. Those who buried your glory must release it by fire. Those who program you for failure, barrenness, miscarriage, limitations, delay,and untimely death, shall reap the reward of their wickedness. I see angels of God going ahead of you for the battle, they will be defeated and you shall rejoice and testify in the name of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. You will sing and glorious songs of praise and adoration, expressing the love of God and thanking Him for giving victory over your enemies in the name of Jesus. From today the light of God will light all over you and your household, you will see the light in the name of Jesus Christ.🎤[Oghale Elebe JP] 🙏🏻


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