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God will lift you higher than you expect

🎤📖 *God will lift you higher than you expect*

The expectations of the righteous shall never be cut off. God has a plan for you this year Jeremiah 29:11), but whoever has positioned themselves as plan destroyers shall be put to shame. God has assigned His holy angels to minister to you. See what the Bible says in Isaiah 52:13… 

*Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high and lifted up, and shall be exalted.* 

Get ready for your exaltation. Remember where you have fallen and rise up again. What has caused such discouragement in you? What are you thinking that makes you look so worried and unhappy? Do you think God has failed you? Do you think enemies have finished you? Do you think your hope of living has failed? What is currently going on in your mind? Are you living a life of regret because of your ugly past or the wrongs you have done, and do you think you are the major cause of your problems? Forget about the past! Bury them in the blood of Jesus! God can never abandon His children. He will visit you at a time of His blessings. Keep praying! Keep believing! Confess your sins! Forsake them! Deprive Satan and all his cohorts any chance of accusing you before God the Father. Run away from evil and stick to goodness. Ask the Holy Spirit to help and lead you to righteousness. God will then lift you higher than you expect. May God link and connect you to a divine helper to lift you out of that jobless condition, financial mess, business failure, unmarried life, fruitfulness, ill health, and every occasion of pain. Take this as a word prophecy, ‘God is bringing something in your way more than you expected and you will rejoice and testify in the name of Jesus!’ You are blessed. 🎤[Oghale Elebe JP]🙏🏻


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